Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Family Camp. Trinity Style.

I'm not even going to try and pretend like it ain't true.  My church family rocks.

Not only was this past weekend filled with fellowship, obstacle courses, and ziplines...

...it was also filled with cute babies, Bananagrams, and wonderful preaching.

First things first.  This danged 'ol Bananagrams game.  Have you ever played it?  I hadn't...prior to this weekend that is.  The object is simple: spell words with your allotted amount of letters.  Try to be the first person who uses all their letters.  That's it.  Pretty simple, right?

Other players had words like 'atmosphere' and 'couture'...

...I had words like 'pee' (ahem, twice), 'mop', and 'cat'.  No big pointers in there, man.  I guess I need to work on my vocabulary.  Don't worry...it was only partially embarrassing.

Karen and Lori, no doubt laughing at the fact that one of my biggest words of the night was 'poop'.

Oh, my.  Oh, my my my.  That little Sylvia.  She melts my heart.  Teri's too, obviously.  Teri has three boys - she needed her some little girl snuggles.

Umm...my husband is remarkably handsome.  I think me loves him.

Speaking of my husband, he climbed a 65' vertical obstacle course.  I like to call this photo, White Man Thighs.

Jess was nice enough to not flash the crowd below his white man thighs (unlike Stuart).  Thank you, Jess.

And speaking of white man thighs, the owner of them (my husband) made me do a zipline with him.  Jumping off a three story platform goes against everything my body normally reminds me to do.  Like to not jump off of buildings and such.

Notice my husbands perfect form right out of the gate.  I, however, am already twisted.  Five feet after leaving the platform.  I obviously have an extreme athletic ability.  Almost like a super human.

And speaking of super humans...I saw Mr. Black curl the weight of multiple teenager girls.  All by himself.  With his sheer strength, he lifted them over this fifteen foot wall.  

A merry time was had by all.

Especially, G baby.  She was such a trooper.

Yes, I am the type of mother that lets my baby lick logs.  What?!

I also let her swim without a diaper on and then let her sit in Sheryl's lap.  I am happy to report there was no leakage...except for lake water.

Dinner time on the porch...

...And hiking time with Fox and Jason.

Hailey loved it when I took her picture.

That was a lie.  I tried to be inconspicuous, but I guess I was still pretty obvious.

'Inconspicuous'...now that's a heck of a Bananagrams word.

Yep.  Still handsome.  Just wanted to make sure.

Great engineering idea #1: Put a train track through a youth camp.



What a beautiful weekend. 

And even though it involved nursing in a public restroom, a broken car air conditioner, a flat tire, 78 hours of driving and pasteurized egg product...it was absolutely wonderful to be able to spend intimate fellowship time with my fellow brothers and sisters.  

I will spare you the other 15,234,947 photos.  For now.

The end.