Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What Nutrients Are Important During The First Trimester Of Pregnancy?

Nutritions During Pregnancy
Pregnant women need more attention in nutrients that enter their body. What are eaten by pregnant women will not only affect the shape of her body now and then after giving birth, but also will affect the health of the baby. The concept of eating for two people is not entirely true, not the number of servings is important, but the amounts of nutrients that the body needs that require attention. Know the necessary nutrients will help you develop the right diet during pregnancy. What nutrients are important for the mothers in the first trimester? Here are suggestions from Erika Lenkert, contributor’s lifestyle media, such as In Style,, and others in his book, The Real Deal: Guide to Pregnancy.

Folic Acid
it is one of the important substances in food. Vitamin B is important for neurological development of fetuses. Folic acid deficiency can cause neurological problems in development that could lead to problems at birth. You can get folic acid from green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, cereals, and whole grains.

it is important for the development of organs and bones and tissues of the mother. This substance is also needed to prevent premature births that experienced early contractions. Magnesium deficiency can cause kidney problems. So, you should often eat many foods that contain magnesium such as wheat breads, cereals, broccoli, spinach, beans, soybeans, and grains.

this mineral is needed to maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, encouraging the body's metabolic capabilities, and assist the transition of nerve impulses. Women who have problems with "morning sickness" should increase the intake of this substance. Potassium are found mainly in banana, strawberry, watermelon, oranges, raisins, apricots, dates, beets, spinach, peas, tomatoes, beans, turkey, and beef.

Vitamin A
as we know, vitamin A is needed for eye health. Your baby also needs this vitamin for the development of eyes, ears, hands, and membranes. Vitamin A also helps mothers to recover the body's cells are damaged after having a baby. But be careful, consume too much Vitamin A is not good because it can interfere with liver function, but excessive vitamin A can occur if you consume it in supplement form, medicine, creams that contain Retin-A. We recommend that you consume in a natural form, which is in fish, meat, vitamin A-fortified cereals, fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin A.

Vitamin B6
Vitamin therapy is effective for nausea in mothers who underwent the first trimester of pregnancy. However, more importantly, this vitamin helps the formation of proteins, helps the production of antibodies and blood cells, and also good for brain development and nervous system of the baby. Vitamin B6 can be found in avocado, banana, watermelon, potatoes, wheat, beef, poultry meat, and brown rice.

this substance is essential for DNA synthesis, which is needed to build the body's immune system, can be obtained from prenatal vitamins. Can also be obtained from food red meat, poultry meat, beans, whole wheat, zinc-fortified cereals, pumpkin, and sunflower seeds. Consuming milk can help the absorption of iron.

Of course, not only is the food required in pregnant women, there are many nutrients and other substances, but above this is a more widely used in the development of the first trimester of pregnancy. Always consult a health professional who handles your pregnancy about foods that are important during pregnancy.