Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Night Leftovers - the waterlogged edition

Thanks to Danifred for hosting...this always makes my Friday better!

  • Let's face it...I'm sick of the rain...we've been getting pounded.
  • I'm a big fan of umbrellas though...I don't know why people don't use them more often. 
  • Trudging through the rain in flipflops sucks...just saying.
  • I feel horrible for the people in Pennsylvania anywhere near the Susquehanna...they are flooded beyond flooded.
  • The Crazies are sick of the rain too.
  • This morning, Matt yelled, "Oh, come on!  Rain again?  I've had enough of this!"
  • I don't know where he learned that sort of behavior.
  • I wore pants to bed last night...the first sign of Autumn.
  • Of course, it meant that I slept so deeply that Husband had to get up with the Crazies if they were troubled...and they were...troubled (damn night terrors).
  • I've been getting a good response from my Mystery Hostess Trunk Show where all proceeds go to Susan G. Komen...that makes me excited.  Apparently, I like to do nice things. If you haven't checked it out yet, do has the potential to be a really great deal if you win...all for buying yourself or someone else a beautiful piece of jewelry for the Fall season (Trunk Show closes 9/18).
  • If you're a Dad, know a Dad, or love a Dad...check this out.
  • Hailey dressed herself this morning in her Easter dress (too short), a white/pink cardigan (too small), purple Hello Kitty socks, and her Abby sneakers...she took off the cardigan before we left because it "didn't feel right."  This girl is amazing.
  • BTW, is being mean to your mother a rite of passage for 3-year olds?  The recent treatment is ridiculous and I feel like I'm always yelling/teaching/explaining/scolding for things that shouldn't be such a big deal.  Maybe they're just extra spirited this week because of the rain.
  • School, dance, and swim lessons start next week...maybe that will knock the "spirit" out of them.
  • I got a laminator...psyched.
  • We have an End of Summer party tomorrow...what a cute idea, right?
  • Why does Container Store have such steep shipping charges?  And no online coupons?  I just don't feel like hiking 45 minutes to pick up magazine files.  They're so cute though, aren't they???
  • I'm going shopping tomorrow afternoon all by myself.  Husband understands my need for back-to-school shopping even if I'm not going back to school.  Is it any wonder why I love him so much?  I can't wait although, I have to confess something...I'm kind of bummed that I can't bring the stroller because I HATE carrying all of those bags.  Demented, aren't I?  Shall I give you a fashion show when I get back?
Have a great weekend!