Wednesday, September 7, 2011

10 Things for Wednesday

Things I love:
  1. How the Crazies get shy sometimes and cling to me...they really do need me after all.
  2. When Husband does the dishes.
  3. Garlic marinated mushrooms from Trader Joes (actually, Trader Joes in general...let's face it).
  4. Routine.
  5. That feeling that maybe, just maybe, you should wear jeans and real shoes on a chilly early-Fall day.
  6. My new Fiestaware pie dish that was super cheap from Ama.zon (peacock!  I love that color b/c I get to say "cock" and no one looks at me funny).
  7. Wine.
  8. Not having to go to Back-to-School night as a teacher...ugh...dreadful.
  9. The fact that I "slept in" until 6:36 AM this morning.
  10. The fact that Sister's boss gave her the holiday time she deserves.

Things I hate:

  1. When a lightbulb goes out.
  2. Lunchmeat (except salami...I love "hide the salami" jokes, please).
  3. That I'm a bad book club member...and it's an online book club...WTF is wrong with me???  (even worse...I suggested a book club to some IRL friends and got a pretty "I'm too busy" response...they probably knew how lame I'd be)
  4. The Crazies' new cutting addiction...I have 582,395,210,252 tiny pieces of paper all over my dining room table.  Did you know that Melissa & Doug makes scissors that won't cut those tiny child digits off?  They're awesome!!!
  5. Matt's loose stool...gag reflex in full effect (that's what he gets for eating 800 dried apricots..."but, Mommy...I lub dem.").
  6. The fact that Husband thinks it's okay to ask me to examine Matt's loose stool for problematic chunks.  It is NOT okay!  "What is that?  Do you see that right there??  Do you think it's blood?" is not a way to get me to stay in the room...BYE!
  7. The divot in my bed that I can barely get out of in the morning...we need to rotate the mattress...damn pillowtop.
  8. Reruns on TV.
  9. Rain.
  10. Not having manicured nails.
Things I don't give a shit about:
  1. Politics...I know, I should...I just don't.
  2. Loose stool.
  3. How much TV the Crazies watch on a rainy morning when we have no place to go.
  4. Labor Day.
  5. Having no curtains in our dining room.
  6. Justin Beiber.
  7. Overwhelmed college kids.
  8. Laundry.
  9. Downloading recent pictures.
  10. Netflix changing their terms.