Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Survey Results: Are Unvaccinated Children Healthier?

Here are the stats:

* Less than 10% of unvaccinated children suffer from allergies of any

kind. This compares with 40% of children in the USA ages 3-17

reporting an allergy to at least one allergen and 22.9% with an

allergic disease.

* .2% of unvaccinated children suffer from asthma. This compares with

14-15% of vaccinated children with asthma in Australia, 4.7% in

Germany, and 6% in the USA.

* 1.5% of unvaccinated children suffer from hayfever. This compares

with 10.7% in Germany.

* 2% of unvaccinated children had neurodermatitis. This auto-immune

disorder affects over 13% of children in Germany.

* ADHD was present in only 1-2% of the unvaccinated children. This

compares with nearly 8% of children in Germany with ADHD and another

5.9% borderline cases.

* Middle ear infections are very rare in unvaccinated children (less

than .5%). In Germany, 11% of children suffer from this problem.

* Less than 1% of unvaccinated children had experienced sinusitis.

This compares with over 32% of children in Germany.

* Only 4 unvaccinated children out of the 7,600+ total surveys

reported severe autism. In all 4 cases, however, the mother tested

very high for mercury. In the USA, approximately 1 in 100 children

suffer this neurological illness and 1 in every 38 boys in the UK.

article below


Survey Results: Are Unvaccinated Children Healthier?

by Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist

<http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/author/sarah/> on August 25, 2011

in vaccination




<http://www.flickr.com/photos/houghtonbird/6076353103/>In December 2010,

a comprehensive survey was initiated by the German site/impfshaden.info/

and its counterpart /vaccineinjury.info/ to compare the health of

vaccinated versus *unvaccinated children*. As far as I know, no survey

or study of this kind has ever been conducted except for a compilation

of statistics of the patients of Dr. Mayer Eisenstein MD, a pediatrician

based in Chicago.

Over 7,500 surveys have been filled out so far, and while this project

is ongoing


the results are starting to be published.

*Please note that only the health of entirely unvaccinated children was

evaluated*. Parents were also asked to review the birthing records for

their children to ensure that their baby had not mistakenly received the

Hep B jab before being taken home.

I am happy to report that all 3 of my children participated in this

survey. I am proud to have been part of this important, *worldwide

effort* to help inform the public about the clear and present dangers of


The market for vaccines is expected to surpass *$36* /*billion*/ dollars

by 2013. Vaccines are clearly an important growth industry for Big

Pharma. Just witness the rapid increase in the childhood vaccination

schedule from 3 shots in 1950 to 68 vaccines by age 11-12 today (25 of

those by the age of 6 months)!

In 1986, it cost a parent about $80 for her child to receive every

government recommended vaccine. In 2011, it cost $2200! Clearly,

vaccines are one of the fastest growing sectors of the pharmaceutical

industry. $4 billion in tax dollars are spent every year purchasing

vaccines for health clinics in the United States alone.

*Big Pharma does not want the results of a survey like this to be

published* as it threatens their very reliable and growing oil well of

profits: childhood vaccination. This is why surveys like this will

never be reported objectively on the evening news or in major newspapers.

*Who Participated in the Survey?*

75% of the surveys were filled out in English and 25% in German. Most

of the respondents were from the USA followed by the UK, Canada, and


Slightly more completely unvaccinated children are male than female and

the children are primarily between the ages of 0-2 years of age followed

by 2-4 years and 5-6 years. This makes sense as the momentum against

vaccination has only gained steam in the past 5 years or so.

Most of the children participating in the survey were breastfed for

longer than 6 months and their parents preferred natural or homeopathic

remedies to allopathic (drugs/surgery) methods for illness intervention.

*Over 99% of the parents who chose to completely unvaccinate their

children were happy with their decision*. Can the same be said for

those who choose to vaccinate? I highly doubt it. I hear from people

all the time who greatly regret their decision to give into doctor or

family pressure to immunize.

The biggest reasons for not vaccinating were a concern over the

ingredients and that the shots would be ineffective. 25% of respondents

had seen a vaccine reaction in a friend or family member and had decided

not to vaccinate for that reason.

One respondent wrote:

*/“As a speech-language pathologist in the pediatric setting, I have

seen many cases of children having seizures within 36-72 hours following

routine vaccines with a traumatic regression in the child’s brain and

language and overall development. I feel in my heart, it is linked to

vaccines and do not want to subject any of my children to this.”/*

*Are Unvaccinated Children Truly Healthier Than Vaccinated?*

Ok, let’s get down to brass tacks. Are unvaccinated children really


Here are the stats:

* Less than 10% of unvaccinated children suffer from allergies of any

kind. This compares with 40% of children in the USA ages 3-17

reporting an allergy to at least one allergen and 22.9% with an

allergic disease.

* .2% of unvaccinated children suffer from asthma. This compares with

14-15% of vaccinated children with asthma in Australia, 4.7% in

Germany, and 6% in the USA.

* 1.5% of unvaccinated children suffer from hayfever. This compares

with 10.7% in Germany.

* 2% of unvaccinated children had neurodermatitis. This auto-immune

disorder affects over 13% of children in Germany.

* ADHD was present in only 1-2% of the unvaccinated children. This

compares with nearly 8% of children in Germany with ADHD and another

5.9% borderline cases.

* Middle ear infections are very rare in unvaccinated children (less

than .5%). In Germany, 11% of children suffer from this problem.

* Less than 1% of unvaccinated children had experienced sinusitis.

This compares with over 32% of children in Germany.

* Only 4 unvaccinated children out of the 7,600+ total surveys

reported severe autism. In all 4 cases, however, the mother tested

very high for mercury. In the USA, approximately 1 in 100 children

suffer this neurological illness and 1 in every 38 boys in the UK.

These results are no surprise to those who chose to not to vaccinate

their children. While not vaccinating is no guarantee of health for

your child, the odds are certainly in your favor of far fewer problems

both in the short and long term should you forgo immunization.

It seems by quite a landslide that unvaccinated children are indeed

healthier than vaccinated children.

For those parents on the fence or still contemplating their

decision,*the results of this survey should help bring into sharp focus

the slam dunk of not vaccinating. *

Still have questions? See all my posts on vaccination by clicking here.


To view the entire survey results, click here.


Sarah, TheHealthyHomeEconomist.com

Source: The Health of Unvaccinated Children, Survey Results


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