- Wake up at 6:30 to "Meet Virginia" ringtone.
- Internally complain that it's raining.
- Keep my eyes closed while viciously trying not to fall back to sleep.
- Reminisce about the Sundays that I used to have.
- Wonder why Husband is awake.
- Watch him go to the bathroom (ew...I don't actually watch him in the act...I watch him walk to the bathroom...dur).
- Feel guilty for waking him up.
- Get in the shower.
- Shave my legs (yes, this is worth mentioning...haha...not an everyday occurrence around here).
- Get out of the shower.
- Freeze my fucking ass off.
- Put a lame amount of makeup on.
- Get dressed in workout clothes.
- Try not to critique my body too much (figured out a good way to do this...don't watch yourself squeeze into workout clothes in front of the mirror...it's really unhealthy).
- Go downstairs.
- Stumble toward coffee machine while wondering why Husband is making so much noise.
- Wait for coffee (drool, drool, drool).
- Sit down in Chair with Coffee and Computer.
- Zone out for about an hour catching up on blogs, researching houses for our impending vacation, and talking myself into going to spin even though it's raining outside (as we know, leaving the house while it's raining is against my personal code of ethics).
- Feel guilty about not going to Cousin's bridal shower this weekend...we really couldn't afford another plane ticket this Spring though.
- Get my ass out of Chair.
- Make breakfast.
- Ignore weird sounds coming from Matt.
- Talk myself into going to spin again.
- Eat.
- Pull sneakers on, get rain jacket on, get in car.
- Talk myself out of going to Dunkin Donuts and skipping spin altogether.
- Arrive at gym (how the hell did I get here? I want donuts!).
- Bitch about the rain that I'm going to have to trudge through.
- Walk inside gym (God, I fucking hate squeaky sneakers...I always feel like that dorky kid who came into school late...with his squeaky sneakers making everyone look at him).
- Find a spin bike.
- Marvel at the amount of people who dragged their asses to spin on a rainy Sunday morning.
- Bitch at their stupid muscles and cellulite-less legs.
- Get through spin class without having a heart attack or dislocating Knee.
- Trudge back to Car.
- Eat banana before I die.
- Wish I brought two water bottles with me.
- Drive back home while fighting the urge to gobble up the entire McDonald's breakfast menu.
- Get welcomed back by Crazies ignoring my existence because their newest movie, Cars, is on television.
- Have some sort of conversation with Husband while drinking a smoothie...my newest "after spin desire."
- Take a shower.
- Dry hair.
- Make lunch for the Crazies.
- Ignore whining that they don't want what I made.
- Freak out.
- Wash hands.
- Make my own lunch.
- Desperately wish for naptime.
- Finish lunch.
- Read books before lunch time.
- Naptime - clean up, watch HGTV, decide how we're going to reorganize the basement.
- Husband gets back from gym.
- Kvetch about having to go downstairs when Chair and I had just gotten so cozy.
- Reorganize the basement.
- Crazies get up.
- Crazies want to "help" with basement.
- We let them play downstairs while having their snack.
- Realize I have to get dinner started.
- Make lo mein...I'm so multi-cultural.
- Listen to Husband reason with Crazies about cleaning up their playroom.
- Warn everyone that dinner is going to be finished in a few minutes.
- Listen to them complain that they don't want to come up for dinner.
- Tell them to get up there or go to bed.
- Wrestle them into washing their hands.
- Get them in their seats.
- Listen to them complain about not liking lo mein.
- Ignore complaining.
- Eat dinner...(yum...I already know how good this is going to be).
- Clean up.
- Thank Huband for doing all the dishes.
- Clean up living room.
- Corral Crazies upstairs for baths.
- Find some chore to do rather than giving baths (still hate baths).
- Step in when Husband's about to lose his shit on some splashing Crazy.
- Get Hailey out of tub.
- Brush teeth.
- Get diapers on.
- Get PJ's on.
- Run around.
- Wrestle.
- Read.
- Hugs.
- Into cribs.
- Kisses, nightlights, lotion, boogies, tuck ins, lovies, kisses, music, tuck ins, sweet dreams, leave room.
- Complain about how tired I am.
- Pour wine (into special birthday glass since it is my birthday this month).
- Reconnect with Chair.
- Realize there's laundry in the wash.
- Switch laundry.
- Let Dog out.
- Zone out on TV.
- Go upstairs - remove makeup, moisturize, brush teeth, stumble into bedroom.
- Change clothes.
- Fall into bed.
- Have some conversation with Husband that I probably won't remember in the morning.
- Read.
- Sleep.
No wonder I'm depressed lately...I'm freaking b.o.r.e.d.!!!!!!!
So, what are you doing today?
So, what are you doing today?