Monday, February 28, 2011

Yarn Letter Tutorial

I had a baby shower to go to over the weekend. My friend is having her third baby (first baby girl!). One thing I made her was a yarn wrapped letter. I did ‘M’ since the babies name is going to be Mia. It turned out so good I am doing an ‘S’ for my last name – and we’re going to hang it in our living room!

I started out by gathering the following items:

  • Glue gun
  • Paper Mache letter (I got mine at JoAnne Fabrics)
  • yarn
  • scraps of fabric

This is such a simple craft that anyone can do it!

I took the letter and but a dab of glue on the back. Then I stuck the end of the yarn to it.

Just keep wrapping and gluing.

Since the ‘M’ has a ‘v’ shape in it, and I couldn’t wrap the yarn around it evenly, I choose to zig-zag the yarn along the front of the letter.

I loved it – but it just looked plain. It needed something. So I pulled out some scraps of fabric and made a fabric flower for the front. Ta-Da! The finished product was so cute and the texture is so soft making it perfect for a baby shower gift! (sorry for the color difference. This one was taken in daylight)
