Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I Have a Bone To Pick with a Well Known American Institution

New post here...

If you still want to be invited to read the private blog, here are the "rules" for those of you that give a crap: 
(yes, because it's my blog and I can make rules if I want to)

  1. If you're still interested, please make sure that your email is either linked to your profile or that you leave it in your comment.
  2. I am not sharing this blog with people I know in real life...no, not because I'm writing about you (but I might be...you'll never  know), but because it's private...in my world, "private" means I can share it with complete strangers, but not with you because I may see you face and act weird in front of you.
  3. If you don't have a blog, I'm most likely not going to invite you into my "private" world...after all, why would I let you see all of my cookies when you're not showing me yours???