Okay, she got it Thursday and I had to reference Facebook to remember which day it was, but I
did remember to post it!!! She will not let us near her mouth...clamps shut whenever we try. The only time she will willingly allow access is when I am reading "I Love You Through and Through" and we get to the part where the kid is showing his tooth...I love your inside. Then she opens right up!
I don't have any pictures of it, but here is a picture of her after a yogurt facial at dinner one night. The other one is them playing at their sand and water table...their first 1-year birthday present! They loved it and barely ate sand! I will post those queer 4th of July pictures where we're all in our red, white, and blue. I always said I wouldn't be
that Mom, but I am...shamelessly!
He'll always show us his teeth!!!
Not so much...very close to the vest!
Playing very hard!
Have a great 4th of July and stay safe!!!