big mother's day yesterday: drove up to see my parents, took them out for high tea. A. was very well behaved and as always it was more relaxing having other adults to help wrangle him.
there may be an issue at school, I'm not sure. he's learning well and has friends, but some bigger kids are getting him to do things he doesn't want to do - being rude to other kids, kissing girls on the chest, things like that - I only heard about it through another mother but he has now confirmed it and told me some other things they've done. I've acted like it's no big deal but suggested maybe he should avoid those kids, or at least not go to the "secret hiding places" with them. would quite like to have a word in the ear of the kids concerned - they are four years older than him - but if it comes down to it will probably have to go through Channels, ie the teacher and possibly principal. hoping he will handle it by telling them to nick off. and heartened that at least two older kids are on his side - both the kid through whom the information came, and another who apparently told them to leave him alone.
the thing is, he's so sweet and compliant, I can see how he could be a nice toy for them. and how that could hurt him when he sees it for what it is.